The YMCA is here – for all. We believe that building a healthy lifestyle includes connecting with fellow community members and learning about diverse experiences. To ensure that these experiences can happen, our pledge to our community is to keep our doors open for all that wish to participate, regardless of the ability to pay. Our financial scholarship program makes it possible for everyone to learn, grow, and thrive at the Y.
Our Cause
Our cause is to work in and with our community to strengthen the greater Fredericksburg region. Working with our community partners, donors, and members, the YMCA is committed to doing its part to invest in the lives of those around us. Through these partnerships the Y, annually, is able to:
- Welcome over 8,000 families annually and provide over $750,000 in financial scholarships for memberships and programming at our facilities.
- Work with other community health leaders in instructing over 450 adults with chronic illnesses.
- Serve 425 adults and 250 children with special needs.
Read more about our cause in our latest impact report.
What We Focus On
The Rappahannock Area YMCA sustains six community-based impact programs. These programs serve as our heartbeat and keep us connected with our community members. All of our programs support at least one of our three focus areas. Click on impact programs to read more about our unique programs, or continue below to learn more about our three focus areas.

We believe all kids deserve the opportunity to discover who they are and what they can achieve. That’s why, through our Ys, thousands of youth today are cultivating the values, skills, and relationships that lead to positive behaviors, better health, and educational achievement.

The Y is a leading voice and health and well-being. With a mission centered on life balance, the Y brings families closer together, encourages good health, and fosters connections through fitness, sports, fun, and shared interests.

The Y listens and responds to our community’s most critical social needs. Whether developing skills and well-being through education and training, welcoming and connecting diverse populations, or building healthier communities, the Y fosters the care and respect everyone needs and deserves. We believe in giving back to our community.